However these are photos of my friend charlie who is essentially my equal, we each push the other and we're both pretty reckless when it comes down to it, we will take risks and push ourselves and we'll party as much as we can. Normal things of a people of our age i guess. Not all people of our age will party on MDMA as much as we may as that generally a cultural thing rather than a reckless atribute, the point is the self destruction and the self indulgence thats evident in us, thats the trait that is in every other member of our age group, you'll either find a complete celebration of that destructive self indulgence post pubestent boy inside or he will slowly repressed.
These photos, like any other of the photos on this blog are never seen by me as a portrait of charlie, as a portrait of hannah, of my bed etc... these photos are undeniable about me. I dont try to make photos about anything else, i dont make work about other people, that would seem silly. I dont shy away from the selfishness of humanity and why not celebrate it?
I would probably say i am very cynical, but at the same time i dont really see this as a burden, nor do i see the selfish atributes of man as a burden or a bad thing. I dont see them as a good thing but more that i just accept that they are there, im not in the bussiness to question humanity and the reasons why we are the way we are.
I like to ask questions, ask myself questions and question the who and what i am. I guess those answers could then be applied to the greater population but im not doing it for that.
for a while ive felt like something had been taken away from me, my relationship to photography, but ive felt like its come back at the moment.
i like to take photos.
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